Monday, August 9, 2010

More Quicken Essentials uselessness

Today I found encountered another factor that helps makes Quicken Essentials useless. You cannot have an investment account without tying it to a brokerage for automatic download. In fact, you cannot enter transactions yourself, like the older Quicken versions. So, there is no way to track investments without storing the account number and password on my computer. I don't understand why they have changed Quicken into a tool which is strictly "tell me what my banks says", rather than a tool which lets you track your version of reality.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Funny Mis-Addressed Mail of the day

I own many domains. Sometimes I get mail for people at other domains. Occasionally, the make me smile, like today''s:

Mark Amaru Pinkham KGCTpl
North American Grand Prior
International Order of Gnostic Templars
P.O. Box 20548
Sedona AZ 86341

Mission Statement of the IOGT
The International Order of Gnostic Templars is committed to assisting in the revival of both the Goddess Tradition and the Gnostic path of knowing one's self fully. IOGT members seek to complete the work of the original Knights Templar by working to synthesize the spiritual traditions of the East and West. IOGT members dedicate themselves to living in accordance with the ideal of the spiritual warrior - one who is able to effectively, and without fear, meet any and all challenges that life places before him or her.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
To: ...@...
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 18:54:03 EDT
Subject: KNight Templar Questions
Hello Squire redacted
Below are the questions we provide for all Knight Templar candidates. Please answer and return asap. Thank you.

In Service to the Order,
Sir Mark Amaru

Knight Templar Questions

1. Explain how the IOGT is different from other Templar organizations in existence today.

2. Summarize the history of the Johannite lineage that the Templars inherited in the Holy Land.

3. Explain some of the heretical acts - and what their gnostic purpose was - that the Knights were involved in when they were arrested in 1307.

4. Explain the path of Gnosticism and what it means to be a Gnostic Templar.

5. Explain how the IOGT is linked to the Goddess Tradition. Explain some fundamental differences between orthodox patriarchal religion (Judaism, Catholicism) and the Goddess spiritual path.

6. Explain some of the goals of the IOGT.

7. Explain what a person can gain by becoming a member of the IOGT.

8. Outline the IOGT approach for uniting the world's religions.

9. Please state why you would like to become a Knight Templar at this time.

Mark Amaru Pinkham KGCTpl
North American Grand Prior
International Order of Gnostic Templars
P.O. Box 20548
Sedona AZ 86341

Mission Statement of the IOGT
The International Order of Gnostic Templars is committed to assisting in the revival of both the Goddess Tradition and the Gnostic path of knowing one's self fully. IOGT members seek to complete the work of the original Knights Templar
by working to synthesize the spiritual traditions of the East and West. IOGT members dedicate themselves to living in accordance with the ideal of the spiritual warrior - one who is able to effectively, and without fear, meet any and all challenges that life places before him or her.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LIPA doesn't understand paperless billing.

To be fair, it's not only LIPA (Long Island Power Authority) who doesn't have a clue when it comes to online billing. Almost everyone who tries it gets it wrong. But, they are the ones who most recently and succinctly demonstrated their shortcomings

1. The email telling me I have a new bill should tell me how much I owe them.
It does not have to include my name, address or any other personal identification, but it should at least say what I owe this month. That's because it's almost always within a few dollars of last months, and I can just pay online like I did the month before. Instead, what they do (and this is less then useless) is mail me a link to their web site, so I can sign in and read my bill.

2. Either my email address OR my account number is my user id.
I speak for every customer in the world when I say that your business is not important enough to me for me to make up a new "user id" just for you. This is not Swiss banking. You are a service and I am a customer, you can call me Mr. Aiuto. And they way you can do that is to call me by the email address I gave you.

3. I don't care about your web site. It will never be a destination for me. I will make a new password for you site once, then promptly forget it and wait for your bill to arrive each month.

Now, let's add this up. Anything less than what I suggest is a lose-lose proposition. It is more difficult for me than getting a paper bill and it is more costly for the service provider. They will have to provision for more traffic and handle increased customer support for those people who can't sign in any more.

How is that, you ask? Well, let me give you an example from real life. I forgot my LIPA user id and password. The web site will not send me my password unless I know the user id, and there is no provision for recovering my user id based on my email address. So, I'm locked out of viewing my account until I call them and talk to a human. Huh? Don't they even try to think things through?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Could the phishers at least try a little?

I got this in the mail today. It's so obscure and confusing I don't think I would answer it even if I was a noob. I think my favorite part is "Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to". Yeah. My bank always says something like that in their correspondence.

From: "Paul N. Baroudi"
To: {me at one of my addresses}

Dear Tony,

Regarding below email, do you have any updates. I need the statements to
show the Kafalat audit team.

Best Regards,
Paul N. Baroudi

Junior Credit Officer| Zouk Commercial Branch
Bank Audi sal - Audi Saradar Group
Tel +961 9 226500/1 Ext. 253
Fax +961 9 226502

Val De Zouk Center
P.O.Box: 11-2560 Riad El-Solh, Beirut 1107 2808 LEBANON

P Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to

From: Paul N. Baroudi
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 2:01 PM
To: ''

Dear Tony,

Following our conversation, here are the 2 check numbers: 562140 ,
562139. Could you send me a copy of bank statement showing these checks.

Best Regards,
... more of the same ...


This e-mail contains confidential information or information
belonging to Bank Audi sal - Audi Saradar Group and is intended
solely for the addressees. The unauthorized disclosure, use,
dissemination or copying (either whole or partial) of this
e-mail, or any information it contains, is prohibited. E-mails
are susceptible to alteration and their integrity cannot be
guaranteed. Bank Audi sal - Audi Saradar Group shall not be
liable for this e-mail if modified or falsified. If you are not
the intended recipient of this e-mail, please delete it
immediately from your system and notify the sender of the wrong
delivery and the mail deletion. Consider the environment before
printing this email.

-----------------------END OF DISCLAIMER-----------------------

Monday, March 8, 2010

Does Cablevision's WiFi service actually work?

Cablevision ( offers WiFi service on many municipal areas around Long Island. It's freely available to their Optimum Online customers - you just have to provide your user id and password to their login page and you're in. Read their spiel on the Optimum Online site.

Except it doesn't actually work. I have tried it from a number of locations in the past few months and it consistently fails in 3 ways.

1. It requires a new login each time. This is just silly. They could authorize you once and register your MAC address in their DHCP database.
2. Half of the time, you might get signal and an IP address, but they don't assign you a DNS server. This is just plain old fail.
3. When you do get a connection, IP address and DHCP server, their transparent HTTP proxy which redirects you to their login page is rarely responds. You just sit their waiting. My guess is that this is just severe under-provisioning.

But, it's a wonderful service on paper. It sounds useful, and as long as they don't deploy enough resources to make it work, it doesn't cost anything to provide!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Don't touch that USB dongle that came in the mail

My wife found an advertising insert from a AstraZeneca (pharmaceuticals) in a recent medical journal. It was a little USB dongle that promised to tell you more about some recent drug they were pitching.

It turns out that the dongle is quite a nasty piece of work. It's not a USB drive at all, but it impersonates an Apple keyboard (ID 05ac:020b Apple, Inc. Pro Keyboard [Mitsumi, A1048/US layout]). When you plug it in, it attempts to type a command line to direct your web browser to their site. I little research uncovered that American Express was doing this last October. This appears to be an identical device. Read more here:

And that is an interesting story too. I broke open the shell to find a small board with a KYP logo and a model tag "Web Key". KYP is a marketing company, rather than an electronics firm, and they seem quite proud of this little baby.. You can read more here:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let's hope the 2010 Quicken for Mac is not so dumb

Let me just say that I like Quicken. I have used it since 1990 (starting in DOS). It generally does what I expect, aside from a few deficiencies. But one problem is inexcusable - the Mac version puts important information in forks of the files. The problem is that if you want to back up and restore your files you must use a backup system that preserves the fork data. This severely limits your backup options. I *might* understand this unfortunate choice if it was a pure Mac app, but the Quicken code base has to run on Windows too. They had the technology to do this entirely in plain old data files but went out of their way to do extra work to make it less robust. That's just bad engineering.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 business model fail

I stopped subscribing to Newsday about 5 years ago, when it dumbed itself
down beyond what I could take any more. What was going Dolan's mind
when he decided that the Newsday web site was worth paying a subscription
fee for? After 3 months, they picked up 35 subscribers. Read the full story