I was amused today to receive a letter from the Village of Great Neck informing me that I was in violate of Chapter 448, Article 1 of the village code. The letter told me I have 10 days to correct the violation or face a fine. So I looked it up on the link the provided
No owner of any land within the Village shall permit noxious weeds, long grass or other rank growths on real property owned by him.
Well that says absolutely nothing. It does not define "noxious", "long", or "rank" in any quantifiable way. It basically leaves it to the discretion of the inspector to decide what is in violation and what is not. So, I guess I'll have a little mosey on down to the village office to clarify the definition of these words - because I would love to hear them say that dandelions are "noxious". Since I refuse to put chemicals down on my lawn (we drink from our aquifers on Long Island), and I don't cut my grass shorter than 3" (because it requires less water that way) it would be interesting to hear if that differs from their definition of civic responsibility.
What happened?
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