Sunday, April 26, 2009

Please start teaching daily arithmetic in schools again.

At the supermarket yesterday, the cashier had forgot to give the one cent change to the man ahead of me. She had started to ring me up by the time he mentioned it. As she looked around, flustered, trying to figure out how to open the cash drawer without messing things up, I offered to give the man a penny now, and she could then give me one when the drawer opened at the end of my transaction. Everyone seemed happy with that. I gave the man a penny and he went on his wayl

When my items were complete, she said "$26.14".
Me: "OK, but it's really $26.13 because of the penny". I counted out $26.13 and gave it to her.
Cashier: "Can I do that? I still have to give you back the penny." She looked horribly confused by this transaction. She was sort of standing frozen, looking at the money.
Me: "Wait. Here's the extra cent, now it's $26.14". I handed her the penny.
Cashier: "Oh, OK". Puts the money in the drawer, pulls a penny back out and hands it to me. "Thank you."
Me: "You're welcome."

I'm still am wondering how she can even work the cash register.

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